
Inmycore.htmlIhaveablocklabeledjavascript.ItwouldbegreatifIcanappendmorelinestothisblockwithoutoverwritingeverythinginit.,UsingtheextendstemplatetagtellsDjangotopopulatetheblocksintheparenttemplatewiththeblockcontentdefinedintheusedchildtemplateonly!,Theextendstagallowsyoutoaddaparenttemplateforthecurrenttemplate.Thismeansthatyoucanhaveonemasterpagethatactslikeaparentforall ...,Theextendstagis...


In my core.html I have a block labeled javascript. It would be great if I can append more lines to this block without overwriting everything in it.

Django extends only one template

Using the extends template tag tells Django to populate the blocks in the parent template with the block content defined in the used child template only!

Django extends Tag

The extends tag allows you to add a parent template for the current template. This means that you can have one master page that acts like a parent for all ...

Django extends Template Tag

The extends tag is used to specify that this template needs a parent template. The extends tag takes one argument, which is the name of the parent template.


{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}(頁首標題){% endblock %} {% block pagetitle %}(頁面標題){% endblock %} {% block content %}(內容){% endblock %}. 而 ...

Template extending

What does it mean? You just created a block , which is a template tag that allows you to insert HTML in this block in other templates that extend base.

Template extending · HonKit

You used the template tag {% block %} to make an area that will have HTML inserted in it. That HTML will come from another template that extends this template ( ...

Template inheritance & block tag not working

I tried to render the results.html page instead of index.html but got a template not found error even though they're in the same directory.

The Django template language

If you use {% extends %} in a template, it must be the first template tag in that template. Template inheritance won't work, otherwise. More {% block %} tags in ...

【Day 23】Django Template Tags 補充篇(4) - Extends

前面有提到 Extends 可以讓繼承模板的 .html 修改它需要更改的地方,而 {% block mymessage %}{% endblock %} 就是定義出需要更改的地方( block ), mymessage 是這個 .html ...

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手
